Looking for something fun to do on a Sunday afternoon, James & I decided to go apple picking, along with my mother and niece, Gabrielle.
Blake Farms has been in business since 1946 and operates 3 apple orchards and a cider mill. They specialize in an array of the freshest Michigan grown produce, most of which you pick yourself, including U-pick pumpkins and fresh cut Christmas Trees. They're also famous for their freshly pressed apple cider, fresh doughnuts, fudge, jams, jellies, honey and many other tasty treats!!
Here are a couple shots from inside the small market at Blake's Big Apple Orchard.

We picked many varieties such as McIntosh, Early Fugi, Molly Delicious, Gala, Honey Crisp, Cortlands, etc....

As well as some of the most delicious Bartlett Pears!

Oh my, what to do with all these apples??? All in all, I think James and I picked close to 2 bushels of apples and pears!

The orchard offers tractor pulled hay rides for guests. These are especially popular at night during the Halloween season!