This year I am trying to put my energy into thinking about what I am thankful for.
I am thankful I am alive! I'm a simple guy, that doesn't own a whole lot but there's a ton to be thankful for.
I am thankful for the friendships I have and for the family that loves me.
I am thankful for the friendships I have made online and for knowing each and everyone of YOU!
I am thankful for the job I have, which (barely) pays my bills. I could go on but I will stop there.
Life brings meaning when you take the time to stop and think, "What do I have to be thankful for?"
Of course, my love for cooking is fully expressed during this time of the year. Though I miss the days long gone of my Grandmother cooking Thanksgiving dinner, along with my Mother and my Aunts, I truly enjoy taking on this task. Though traditional foods are there each year, I try to "jazz" things up with a new twist on old favorites.
My turkey, each year, is consistently prepared the same way. I order a FRESH Turkey from Peacock's Poultry Farm. The turkey is brined for about 18 hours and prepared using Martha Stewart's "Turkey 101" recipe. It's always perfect without fail! My sister even tried the "Turkey 101" method for the first time this year, and was also quite pleased with the results.

Everything here is done and ready to be transported to my sisters house. Thank goodness she just lives across the street!

For more great ideas on what to do with your leftovers click here: What To Do With Thanksgiving Leftovers.